Saturday, July 1, 2017

The BIG Day - Departure from Home Live to RV Life

So here we are, after many months of anticipating our departure on a Trip Across America in our RV. I was up around 5am this morning wondering what we forgot to pack, but then it dawned on me, if we DID forget anything, there's always a store right down the road from where ever we are.  So our transition from Home life to RV life is about to begin.

We're planning to get on the road this morning around 8:30, headed for Savannah, GA, our first stop. Our Grandkids will be traveling with us the first two weeks with stops planned for Greenville, SC to visit my Brother for the 4th of July weekend.  Then we're off to see Grandfather Mountain near Boone, NC.  I always wanted to take my Grandkids there and stand on the mile high bridge as their Grandfather on Grandfather Mountain.

Then we will be headed up to Washington, DC for a couple of days to educate these young kids about taxes and where all the money goes, but more importantly, why we should be proud to be Americans and appreciate our freedom as citizens of this great country.

We will be stopping in Hershey, PA to meet with cousins from Allentown for a full day at Hershey Park with all the thrilling rides and a taste of chocolate.  From there we will be visiting Debbie's Aunts and Cousins and old high school friends for a couple of days, then we're headed West along the Northern tier of States until we reach the Pacific Ocean.

So stay tuned, we hope to write a little about each stop here, all along our Trip Across America.

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