Thursday, August 11, 2016

RV Battery Maintenance and Restoration Techniques - Part 1

I have been reading a lot about battery maintenance lately using several different techniques that are showing up on YouTube and various other media sources. There are 2 different processes, but they both reduce the sulphate buildup on the plates in the battery, which causes all batteries to loose their charging capacity.

1. Add a teaspoon of Epsom Salts to each cell then trickle charge the battery. Take a look at this YouTube link: How to use BatteryChem by Walt Barrett

2. Utilize a smart battery charger that has a desulphating cycle that sends high frequency pulses into the battery that vibrates the sulphate buildup on the plates and returns it back into solution. Look at a product called Battery Minders.

There are quite a lot of articles written lately about the effectiveness of these techniques that backup the claims.  Just do a Google search for Battery Desulphate

Has anyone tried this on their RV batteries? There could be a lot of savings if one was to take the time and give it a try.

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